
Authors Tea

How to Host an Authors Tea

Hosting an Authors Tea is so much fun! Using pretty Watercolor Cards, invite up to six people and ask them to each bring a treat to share.

Beforehand, everyone writes and edits a piece that will take about five minutes to share at the event. It could be a short story, an excerpt of a longer story, or a poem. Submit to the host’s presiding parent for review. Print out and bring to the tea.

Set up a table with pretty tea cups and decorations. Don’t forget Authors Tea Hats, Macaroon Key Chains, and other fun goodies for your writing friends! While everyone eats, it’s the perfect opportunity to whip out a few writing-themed questions from Sophia Colette’s Authors Tea Conversation Starter Box.

When you’re ready, start the reading time! Don’t forget to refill your tea cups. Make it special by moving into a comfortable seating area with a decorated chair for the reader. Everyone can read their own work out loud and take turns sitting in the Author’s chair. Make sure to read slowly and clearly so everyone can understand you. Clap after each reading and say an encouraging comment or something specific you loved about the work.

Now is the perfect time to do a writing prompt together–or a craft, like a “Write” Bracelet Kit or Coloring Bookmarks. When it’s time to leave, swap the leftover homemade treats. A journal and a Flower Pen makes a perfect goodbye gift for the guests!

What is a Study Buddy?

Let’s face it: we all have the same weakness. And it’s not food, money, or power. It’s cute and cuddly stuffed animals. What’s not to love? Who can resist such adorable faces and soft squishiness? I sure can’t, and designing and sewing my own is one of my deep, resounding joys. The giant marshmallow-like “Study Buddy” is the result of me and my brother’s collaboration (hours and hours of giggling whilst scribbling wacky and adorable comics).

And what are Study Buddy’s for? Well! These marshmallow-turned-lap-desks can help you study! And read! And write! And nap! And hug! They’re perfect for just about anything (but “Anything Buddy” doesn’t sound as good, does it?).

It can’t get much better than this. But it can–because each plush comes with a mini story, sharing a fun and different personality! I can’t wait for you to meet Cody, Rosy, and their many confectionary-loving and hilarious friends.